
By Nate Murray natenospam@natemurray.com

Input: CSV file with headers:


Output: QIF file appropriate for Quicken import

Why: I use WaMu for my banking, they only allow you to download transactions for 90 days. I always forget to do it every 90 days and end up having to type 2 months of transactions. This script helps fill that gap.

Tips: To get the CSV file in the first place I used the excellent python script html2csv.py : http://sebsauvage.net/python/html2csv.py

Though you can only download 90 days from WaMu you can view up to many more months of statements. I just copied the table from the HTML code from “View Source…” in my browser and then used the html2csv.py to convert it.

This is a quick hack to save myself some time. I just thought I’d post it to save someone else time.

Download it here