Why I Use Dreamhost.com

Saturday, February 04, 2006 by Nate Murray.  

Why I love Dreamhost:
* Generous amounts of space
* Shell access
* unlimited mysql databases
* plenty of email addresses you can use pop or imap
* host unlimited domains
* php5, perl, and ruby on rails support
* realaudio and quicktime streaming

* one click install of wordpress, phpbb


Thursday, February 02, 2006 by Nate Murray.  

activeGallery_nm is a folder-based image gallery. This code is originally from Activeunit's activeGallery. It is licensed under GPL, so I am simply releasing it with my own modifications.

The theory is to have a photo gallery that requires no database and is as simple as possible.

Sample Gallery. Download.


Why re-release it here?

I really like the idea of a folder-based photo gallery, however when I installed the original activeGallery it was buggy and gave lots of errors. Additionally it left open a couple of security holes where a user could browse your server's directories. I've fixed most of these bugs and am continuing development based on their work.

about us

by Nate Murray.  

Who we are:
The Pasadena Ruby Brigade is a group of programmers who are interested in Ruby. We enjoy sharing our ideas and code with anyone who is interested in this wonderful programming language.

Who can join:
Anyone! Just head over to our mailing list and drop us an email.


by Nate Murray.  

We recently started a project over at RubyForge. This project is a group of programs written and maintained by our members that we thought could be beneficial to the whole community.

Incomplete scripts or snippets

csv2qif - a very alpha little perl script that does a basic transformation of csv to quicken qif. Its a short perl script. You can download it and read more in the readme here

Older Deprecated Projects

activeGallery_nm - a folder-based photo gallery. At the moment this code is little more than a secure, bug fixed upgrade of activeGallery from http://activeunit.com.

SOAP::Amazon::MerchantTransport - A Perl module for transporting XML documents to Amazon's Merchant Services via SOAP. It uses SOAP::Lite.

Who we are:
The Pasadena Ruby Brigade is a group of programmers who are interested in Ruby. We enjoy sharing our ideas and code with anyone who is interested in this wonderful programming language.

Who can join:
Anyone! Just head over to our mailing list and drop us an email.

What we do:
We recently started a project over at RubyForge. This project is a group of programs written and maintained by our members that we thought could be beneficial to the whole community.



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